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Q&A Meeting Summary


Thank you to the forty or so people who came out to the Q&A meeting on Monday night. I feel it was a good turnout because the majority of the people were faces I had not seen before and they had lots of questions.

I am a concerned citizen who has lived in Upper Providence most of my life. I am not an expert in any of this and this is just my opinion. I believe we need to stand together strong.

Keep in mind this parcel is zoned with an institutional overlay.

The Board of Supervisors did vote no to zoning change which is what stopped the Developers idea (not a submitted plan) of a 679 unit residential development. This would have had no age restrictions and most likely would have incurred the need for another elementary school in Spring Ford School District. The surrounding area is R1 (residential one acre) and this proposal was more like R3 or 4 (high density)

What the Developer had already submitted plans for to the Township is a 1203 age restricted (62+) care facility. A facility like this would have less traffic and no school age children.

Parkhouse Friends does not believe this 1203 proposed plan meets existing Township zoning. And as far as the Worchester case, while this might be similar it is not the same. Parkhouse Friends has consulted with two speciality attorneys at separate times and both have came to the same conclusion it is NOT the same as Worchester.

As 99% of the people we have spoken to and have come to Township meetings or our Q&A have agreed that we want the Township to hold developers to our zoning laws and stop making concessions to make it easier for the developers to maximize their profits. The developer knows what the zoning is when they buy the property, but they have figured out that with lawyers they can strong arm the Township (or any municipality) into allowing them exceptions.

The Developer has filed for a Conditional Use Hearing. Meaning they need the Board of Supervisors to allow for some type of relief or special exceptions.

Beginning Tuesday, March 12 at 6pm the Board of Supervisors will conduct a hearing. From what the Township has said the hearing is scheduled for one day a month for the next several months. The hearing is going to take many sessions. The Board of Supervisors act as Judge and the Developer presents his case, the Township attorney cross examines and anyone with "party status" (form needs to be submitted prior) can speak. We recommend everyone attend the first meeting as I am sure that is when the "rules" will be spelled out and you will hear what the developer wants.

Parkhouse Friends is working diligently to do research to put together a strong defense of the Township Zoning to push back against the Developer and preserve the integrity of our Township. We need you, to show up at meetings, to speak out, to tell your friends and neighbors and to contact us if you have expertise to share and of course if you want to help team up with one of us to research a specific topic. Thank you for your support! We need to work as a team.

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